Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Headline of the Day Zwei

Set your drink down and go read this. Schadenfreude, thou art mine!

Sarah Palin Gives Disastrous Speech At Commercial Real Estate Conference, Calls Obama An "Opium" Addict


Panning Palin
By Madeleine Begun Kane*

I never “got” Palin’s appeal.
I’m confused. Please do tell. What’s the deal?
Ill-informed and quite crass,
With a voice that breaks glass —
Why on earth would folks pay for her spiel?

*Whom I totally adore. It goes beyond 'adore' but she reads blogs that link to her. (Wink)

One of her commenters, PianoMan:

You folks who on Palin are stuck:
She’s just out to make a quick buck!
Your choice of a hero
To me is a zero
So I shrug and say WTF?

There's some other clever ones too.

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