Friday, May 14, 2010

I've had it too ...

JP has some good reasons to emigrate.


Yet even as we drown in goods and are bombarded by services ranging from mortgage refinancing for homes we no longer own to lengthening our penises, we still produce less and less because all the jobs have been outsourced overseas. Despite supporting two losing and unwinnable wars, we have never had to sacrifice one teaspoon of sugar, candy bar or pair of nylons, have never once orchestrated one rubber, paper or scrap iron drive to support these war efforts. Almost 6000 families notwithstanding, We the People have sacrificed... nothing.

Well, I'm not OK with this. And while my emigration from this country will not change anything and few will care and none will remember, I think it's only important to enumerate my reasons for doing this if given the first available opportunity.

Our bought-and sold government is corrupt to the core, our sociopathic corporations are corrupt, our so-called culture is corrupted and talent, virtue and righteousness are punchlines.


This isn't the nation I put my ass on the line for.

I hope dad-in-law lives a long time but when he's gone there will be nothing holding us here. We'll be moving within a year after that. This country is so dysfunctional that any real change in my lifetime has become a pipe dream. I don't want to live out whatever "Golden Years" I have left in a place where people like Sarah Palin are taken seriously and corporations make government policy; where the rich use the U.S. Treasury like an ATM.

After 8 years of Bush, I really thought the American people had their eyes opened. I thought they saw what bad government could do and would want to bring about change. Sadly, a good portion have learned nothing. Enough still vote against their own interests and blindly support politicians and policy designed to strip them of their rights and money. They don't want single payer health care when they can't get any or are going bankrupt because they got sick? They don't want financial reform when the big banks have swindled the American people for trillions? They support wars that are lost and should never have been fought in the first place while our children die needlessly? They support offshore oil drilling, and reject "green energy" in general, while our environment is being polluted at a ghastly rate?

We used to be the best and brightest in the world. What the fuck happened?

So I'll be leaving soon enough, hopefully before shit gets really bad. I'm tired of waiting for the American people to do the right thing because it'll never happen. If Bush the Stupid didn't scare them into action, nothing will. If you would have asked me 25 years ago, if I'd consider living in another country, I'd have laughed at you. Today, I'd laugh if you asked me if I were staying around any longer than I have to.

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