Sunday, May 23, 2010

Light Blogging Today

I'm in the middle of Mrs. G's annual marathon birthday celebration which started Friday at the Full Belly Deli, continues today at the Sunday Celtic Jam (which I will attempt to film, if 'film' is still the word to use) at the The Auld Dubliner at Squaw Valley, and which hopefully will culminate in a Grand Finale on Tuesday at Village Pizzeria which is a much better restaurant than the name implies.

At our age, birthdays are one less rather than one more so ya gotta cram as much into 'em as ya can. That's Mrs. G's philosophy. I just let mine slide by as best as I can.

This b'day is a huge one for her - the Medicare Birthday. I'm just along for the wild ride, kinda like Slim Pickens in Dr. Strangelove. I drive and open my wallet and nod my head a lot. What makes mama happy makes me happy and anything else would be like shovellin' shit against the tide anyway so why bother?

To illustrate how fluid this whole deal is, yesterday we were at the supermarket. The announcement came over the civilian equivalent of the 1MC that anybody who showed up at the end of aisle 2 in the next two minutes would get a free paring knife. We burned the wheels off our shopping cart gettin' there 'cuz If It's For Free, It's For ME. We weren't alone. Well, Mrs. G listened to a knife salesman's spiel and got her paring knife and a little gadget ya put in an orange like a really brutal enema hose and squeeze out orange juice. I'm too much of a smartass to stay quiet during a sales pitch and didn't wanta mess the guy up so I walked a few feet away and just watched. Pretty good knives. The guy carved up a steel hammer with one of 'em.

Not my line of country. If I can't cut something up with my Buck Bantam ($16) or my Ka-bar (3 years of my life), it don't need cuttin'.

Mrs. G wanted the knife set the guy was selling. We have lotsa knives and I tried to talk her out of it. After a coupla minutes I realized she really wanted 'em, so rather than be a total jerk (which I'm good at) I asked her if she'd like to have them for a birthday present.

Her reply: "Instead of jewelry? You bet!"

That's my girl! Forty bucks later (low end of the earring spectrum), she got outta there with something like fifteen knives and three orange juice enema gadgets and is happy as a clam.

And that's the whole idea...

Gotta go drain the dogs and get ready for our Celtic music/Irish-style food adventure. See yas.


I had Mrs. G read this. She said she wished she hadn't blurted out the "instead of jewelry" line, so tomorrow I'll head for the Husbands' All-Purpose One-Stop Shop. Heh.

Update II:

I think I got some pretty good music. Go see the vids here and here. Be sure to read my extensive descriptions. Heh. The one below is kinda special and came as a complete surprise. That's my fat ass blocking the view.

When I got done recording music, I turned the camera off. Imagine my surprise when I got home and found this in the camera. I must have turned it on again by mistake. Or was it the little people wishing my bride of 36 years a Happy Birthday...?

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