Thursday, May 13, 2010

NeoNazi/AZ GOP connection exposed

Nothing new about that, but this is from an interesting source from either New Jersey or Brazil, I can't tell which.

Moses Apsan, Esq. at Jornal.US:

Evidence that Arizona's new anti-immigrant law was was written and introduced to Arizona congress by Neo Nazi supporters has come to light. Arizona State Senator Russell Pearce, who submitted the bill has, for many years, been associated with local Neo-Nazi and white supremacist groups. Look at his background.

His backgound ensues along with those of others.

The Southern Poverty Law Center and Anti-Defamation League have connected these groups with racists, white supremacists, and political extremists.

The Tanton message is blatantly clear - no more immigrants in the U.S. and those that are here should leave.

These are the background players in Arizona's new anti-immigrant laws.

Notice how the words "undocumented" or "illegal" are left off from in front of "immigrants"?

Big corporations writing our laws is bad enough. Now we've got white supremacists and Nazis doing it. And governors signing them. And teabaggers applauding bigger government as long as it's directed at convenient minorities and not at themselves.

This shit's gotta stop.

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