Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Pedophile Island

I read a lot of stuff every day, and sometimes I run across things that are so bizarre I just gotta share.

Political Carnival

I was just sitting here minding my own business, and then Paddy sent me to a web site belonging to a candidate for governor of my state, California. Meet Douglas Hughes.

I now understand why people in other parts of the country thing we’re bonkers. Take a gander at this:


Since I'm one of those nutty Californians, naturally the first thing that popped into my head was a new 'reality' show: Survivor: Pedophile Island.

I've never even heard of this Hughes guy and he's not going to be governor, but what rankles me a little is that he proposes to fuck up a perfectly good island in a lovely National Park.

The stoopid, it's for the children. Yeesh.

I think we should send our child molesters to Arizona or somewhere in the South, like Texas.

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