Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A potential bailout ...

Waiting to happen.

Seems Michael "Livin' Large On Master Charge" Steele has put the GOP in a bad way financially:

Washington (CNN) - An internal Republican National Committee document obtained by CNN paints a damning picture of the committee's financial standing compared to the past five election cycles.

The document, pulled together during a recent review sparked by concerns over RNC spending practices, said the committee had $12.5 million in cash on hand at the end of April.


Now, to you and me, $12mln is a big deal. Not so, it seems, to a political party.


Looking only at even-numbered years, this year's $12.5 million end of April COH is less than one-third the amount the RNC had on hand on April 30 for the 2002 ($47 million) and the 2006 ($44.6 million) midterms.


Yes, Republicans, keep doing what you're doing and the Dems won't have to worry about winning the midterms. You'll be bankrupt by then.

Thanks to Oliver Willis for the link.

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