Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Shit ...

Being I've looked across the DMZ more times than I can remember, I hope cooler heads prevail:


It is not too off the mark to state that the North Koreans are batshit crazy. I also suspect that in any sort of military exchange, North Korea has less to lose. A conflict won't do any good to the South's economy, while the North is about as poor as they can get. The North Korean Army could fire off a bunch of shells from their emplaced artillery and wreak havoc in Seoul, which is within artillery range.


Nothing can be gained from another war on the Korean Peninsula. If the South wants to retaliate for the sinking of their ship, they should put pressure on the Chinese, who are the North's sole life support at this point. Our pal Misfit is right, the North has nothing to lose anymore. Our 7th Cav and 51st Wing, along with any Marine Corps units we have there would be nothing but a speed bump to North Korean infantry and artillery, hopefully able to be stopped before they reached Pusan (read the history of the Korean War). The civilian casualties would be horrendous.

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