Wednesday, May 19, 2010

They didn't care ...

When they used to burn Negro churches either:

On May 10th, a middle-aged man carried a can of gasoline and a pipe bomb into the Jacksonville Islamic Center of Northeast Florida during evening prayers and detonated it. Fortunately, there were no injuries to people, though the bomb did damage property.


So, a mosque is bombed by a white guy and the bomb isn't exactly small, but the national media sees no value in reporting it? Really? And yet, that is evidently the case.


Muslims are the new Black, don'tcha know ...


And they're doing stupid shit in another country that I love too:


The French government decided Wednesday to impose a $185 fine on women who wear a full-face Islamic veil in public, pushing ahead with a controversial ban despite signs of tension between France’s Muslims and the Christian-tradition majority.


The French have a strong right wing undercurrent too (not as bad as it is here), most notably the National Front, with a Bill Donahue-esque leader named J.M. Le Pen. No place is perfect but at least over there, most of the really insane crap we have to put up with here is laughed at.

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