Wednesday, May 26, 2010

This just in

Ru Rand Paul ain't Libertarian enough for the Libertarians as they try to out-Libertarian each other.


FRANKFORT, Ky. -- The Libertarian Party is considering running a candidate in Kentucky's U.S. Senate race, saying GOP nominee Rand Paul - the son of a former Libertarian presidential candidate - has betrayed the party's values.

Party Vice Chairman Joshua Koch said Wednesday that Paul has been a black eye for Libertarians because of stands he's taken on issues, including his criticism of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Koch said Paul is not a Libertarian. He called Paul and his Democratic opponent, Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway, "faces of the same bad coin."

"He had gone from being an outsider candidate to a tea party candidate to an establishment candidate in the past nine months," Koch said. "It's a complete identity crisis. I've never seen anything like it."

The cat don't have a real clear idea what 'establishment' candidate means, does he? Heh.

"The reason why we would even consider running somebody in this race is because we're not going to let Rand determine what a Libertarian stands for," he said. "I'm here to say Rand does not have the Libertarian ideology."

Libertarians typically side with Democrats on social issues and Republicans on fiscal issues. Because of that, a Libertarian candidacy would likely draw equally from both Paul and Conway, said University of Kentucky political scientist Stephen Voss.

IMNSHO, an 'establishment' Libertarian candidate will split 5 - 7% off the Repug/Teabagger vote, less off the Democratic vote and Conway might win.

So now Kentucky Libertarians are squaring off against the Teabaggers as being the 'establishment'. This is getting better and better.

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