Monday, June 7, 2010

Being I lived in Ft. Worth for a couple years ...

This doesn't surprise me:

Louis Torres has a can-do attitude.

Just one glance at his yard, which is adorned with thousands of beer cans -- some strung together, others crafted into ornaments -- provides proof.

Torres began putting together his beer-can canopy a couple of years ago. He and his buddies share an affinity for Miller Lite and Milwaukee's Best Light, and when the cans began to pile up, Torres went to work.


Far be it one of them yahoos would toss the load into the back of his pickemup and drag 'em to the recycling center. I know I rag on Texas a lot, but this shit writes itself:

Q - What's a 'Texas savings account'?

A - A string of beer cans hanging from a tree.


The cans not only serve as yard art; they're a savings account of sorts.

"If I'm short of money and need cigarettes or beer, I'll pull down a string and cash it in," Torres said.


I'll say this; in my neighborhood, if that guy strung up a buncha beer cans in his yard at night, they'd be gone by morning and somebody else would be cashin' 'em in.

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