Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Git yer vuvuzela ...

Outta my ear!

The Brits (and those of us who follow the English Premier League) will have an earful when the season starts later this year:


England fans in the UK appear to be heeding his call; Sainsbury's sold 22,000 red vuvuzelas – or "Vu Vu horns" as it brands them – in 12 hours before England's game – one every two seconds. The supermarket chain has ordered 25,000 extra horns but thinks it may run out before Friday's game against Algeria.

There were none left at Sainsbury's in Emmersons Green, near Bristol. A few miles away in Chippenham, Wiltshire, half a dozen remained on the shelves.

Mike Brown was buying two for his children. "I could be making a terrible mistake but I think I'm going to have to make a rule that they can only blow them during the actual games. But the kids wanted them and I can't resist it when they get excited about something like the World Cup."

Amazon said sales had increased by 1,000%. David Broughton, from Northamptonshire-based company, said the country was gripped with "vuvuzela fever". [my em]


Ya think, pal?

How much you wanna bet the Germans will ban them for the Bundesliga season? "You vill leaf your schtoopit horn at home or ve vill insert it in your rectum!" (Personally, I'm waiting for a YouTube of a guy blowing one with his ass). Heh ...

As for the vuvuzelas, I really don't care. Like I said on my FB page, a stadium full of 40,000 drunken Englishmen singing their team songs and chants at the top of their lungs ain't high art either. And the players should just stop whining and play football. With the money they make, they should be able to play under any circumstances.

Thanks to Chris for the link.

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