Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Headline of the Day

Lawrence O'Donnell To Host MSNBC 10PM Show

This is good. Olbermann is funny and emotional. Maddow is sharp as a tack, funnier'n hell, and can talk faster than anybody except Cornel West, but you can understand her. Heh.

O'Donnell knows his shit about politics and ain't afraid to smack the Repugs upside they head. This is another progressive step forward, even though:

At MSNBC, people treat with great seriousness ratings fluctuations roughly equal to "the number of people who would go to the bathroom during a 'West Wing' episode," as O'Donnell wryly puts it.

If MSNBC lied like F**Noise I wouldn't watch it no matter how much I agreed with the general point of view, but it's more reality based, i.e. they tell the truth lots more often, and small as it is, it's ours.

Out West Here, we get two 'prime times' - MSNBC's lineup and the 8-11 one on the other networks. Win-win!

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