Thursday, June 10, 2010

I'm tired ...

Of being pissed on and being told it's raining.

For reasons that could make sense only to the "effing retarded," the Obama White House has chosen not only to ignore virtually every Democratic voter group but to taunt them, rub their noses in it, and insult any Democrats who dare to demand better choices than the corporate shills that now control much of the Party and the White House.


They sure kissed our collective ass when they were running for office.


So let’s see. In just the last year, the White House has managed not merely to ignore and disappoint but often gone out of its way to mislead, lie to and betray liberals/progressives, labor unions, teachers, Hispanics, gays/lesbians, anti-war groups, dedicated environmentalists, respected pro-employment/pro-growth Nobel economists, climate scientists, financial reformers, defenders of Medicare and Social Security, mainstreet populists, civil liberties and women’s rights advocates, defenders of public interest regulation, alternative energy/efficiency supporters and even scarecrows.

In case you don’t recognize the list, that’s the core, the heart, the brains and the foot soldiers of the Democratic Party.


And in November, and the next few Novembers to come, we're supposed to forget all of this and vote like party members in good standing. Listen, I've got better things to do on a Tuesday night in November than stand in line at the voting booth. If they're gonna take my vote for granted they've got another thing coming.

I realize there's a big mess to clean up, all the leftovers from the Bush administration, but they can't be alienating the people that brung 'em. I certainly wouldn't vote Republican but it isn't mandatory I vote either. I'm tired of having to choose between the proverbial 'lesser of two evils'.

Great thanks to Watertiger for the link.


Digby is offended as well:


And, by the way, going to this length over Blanche Lincoln who is about to sign on to Murkowski's move to limit presidential power to regulate on behalf of the environment is just too ironic. What exactly are these guys fighting for?

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