Friday, June 11, 2010

Insanity ...

I don't get crazy about sporting events, mostly. If the Mets make the playoffs, I'm watching. Same goes for the Giants (The New York Football variety). And I'll try to catch Daytona and the Bristol NASCAR races. That's about it.

And then there's the World Cup. You know, real football.

Mrs. F is happy it only takes place every four years. It starts today and I'll be an idiot for the next month until it's over, trying to catch as many matches as I can. Fortunately, ESPN Satellite Radio is carrying all the games so I can listen at work and in the car.

USA/England is tomorrow and my boys, "Der Mannschaft", play their first match on Sunday v. the Aussies.

I'm out of my mind (more than usual). Heh ...

Happy Friday!

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