Sunday, June 6, 2010

It's about time ...

On every trip to Spain, in every city we've been to there, we see more bull rings closed and repurposed. It is a barbaric sport and has no place in the civilized world and it's about time Spain made a national effort to ban the sport. The Catalons are taking up the charge:


That day in Barcelona saw the biggest anti-bullfight demonstration of all time: 5,000 people marched from the Ramblas to the Plaza de Toros Monumental, where the bullfight world was busy acclaiming its conquering hero. From here it was but a step to the massive campaign of signatures – a total of 180,000 were collected across Catalonia – which eventually led to a parliamentary bill.


Barcelona has three bull rings, only one of which still operates. The other two, one being rebuilt into an apartment complex, the other a sports center, are closed. Hopefully the last one will close when (if) this legislation is passed.

Thanks to Chris for the link.

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