Saturday, June 5, 2010

Night Rider's Lament

As long as I'm on about Texas singer-songwriters, here's ol' Jerry Jeff (website) doing a song I like for the visuals it provokes as well as relate to in a metaphorical way. I call this one "Motorcycle Mechanic's Lament" after 40 years in that saddle.

Jerry Jeff Walker ~ Night Rider's Lament

Thanks to BRod313.

Apropos of nothing at all, I happen to know that Jerry Jeff and I owned the same year, make, and model of motorcycle. This was 1 of 1000 QE2 commemorative bikes imported to here. You got a certificate with it, and when I worked for the distributor of these I saw his certificate. I don't know if he still has his, but I still have mine. That was back before all the showbiz types got Harley-Davidsons and looked cooler and rode slower. I don't know if it was the intent or just a natural result of riding an anvil, but it's a lot harder to outrun the papparazzi on a Milwaukee Vibrator. Heh.

1977 Triumph Silver Jubilee

Click to embiggen

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