Monday, June 14, 2010

Obama adviser questions legitimacy of SC candidate

AP via Yahoo!News:

South Carolina Democrats chose a political unknown, 32-year-old Alvin Greene, to run against Republican Sen. Jim DeMint this fall.

Greene is an unemployed military veteran who hardly campaigned for the office, and his victory last Tuesday has raised questions about who backed his candidacy.

And it turns out that he's facing a felony charge.

Obama adviser David Axelrod says South Carolina Democrats deserve a strong, credible candidate. He says it's a big mystery how Greene won.

I saw Mr. Greene on Countdown. The guy's in way over his head and I felt kinda sorry for him. The Dems think he's a GOP plant and he may very well be, given batcrap crazy SC politics. But I got ta thinkin' about it...(uh-oh!)

Note to Axelrod: Yer missin' a bet here, pal. Promote Mr. Greene for all it's worth! Get him elected!!! He won't be any trouble once he's in and he'll vote the way you want him to, but the biggest and best part is DeMint will be gone! Senator Greene, having no power or agenda and knowing absolutely nothing about politics, will be a better Senator than DeMint on his sanest day (rare and not very).

Oh, and try to keep the guy outta jail.

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