Saturday, June 5, 2010

"Oh my God! Somebody tossed a little Baby Ruth of Truth into the swimming pool!"

The title quote simply has to be a 'Quote of the Day' as well! Cue Jaws theme and horror amongst the assembled throng...

David Neiwert at C&L, article, links, and ClusterFox video:

Foxheads freak out when Rep. Linda Sanchez points out the white supremacists lurking behind Arizona's immigration law

The problem they have is that it's in fact perfectly accurate. Sanchez may have gotten the information from a blogger, but it's more than likely the blog got its information from the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League -- both of which have, as Sanchez suggested, fully documented that a number of the leading "respectable" anti-immigration organizations are in fact fronts created by white-supremacist ideologues.

Finally, it's worth remembering that the two people most associated with SB1070 in Arizona -- its coauthor, State Sen. Russell Pearce, and the law-enforcement officer whose immigration obsession inspired the law, Maricopa County's Sheriff Joe Arpaio -- themselves in fact have documented associations with Arizona neo-Nazis.

Fox may think they can whip this up, bloody shirt style, in favor of the Arizona law's advocates. I'd wager those same people are wishing they'd just let it quietly drop. Because Linda Sanchez told the truth, and they all know it.

Truth? F** don't need no steenkin' truth...

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