Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Over The Cliff

Over The Cliff: How Obama's Election Drove the American Right Insane (Paperback), From Crooks and Liars
By John Amato John Amato (Author), David Neiwert (Author), Digby (Foreword)

"Compiling example after example, the editors of Crooks and Liars, a popular blog, examine the torrent of right-wing kookery—the eager willingness of conservatives to fervently believe things that are provably false—and its ramifications both for our national discourse and our national well-being. The authors show how this outlandish, overheated rhetoric—generated by mainstream-media figures like Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and Lou Dobbs—is accompanied by a wave of lethal right-wing violence and threatening behavior.

The book explores the main drivers of this descent into madness: the extremist Radical Right and the longtime Republican willingness—dating back to Nixon, but refined in more recent years by Lee Atwater and his acolytes—to engage in a divisive politics of resentment, both racial and cultural. The authors also examine ways ordinary Americans can stop the madness."

If it has directions on how to stop them it might be worth a read. I wonder if the phrase 'mass quantities of funerals' comes into play?

Also see C & L's page on this.


I told Mrs. G about this book and it is on its way by executive order.

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