Tuesday, June 22, 2010

The Russians Are Coming Here!

EssEffChron, photo gallery and videos.

The first Russian surface warship to visit San Francisco in 147 years is docked on the Embarcadero this week on a visit that combines friendship, history and a display of military power.

The ship is the cruiser Varyag, a sleek gray vessel that is the flagship of Russia's Pacific fleet. It made the two-week voyage from Vladivostok in the spirit of friendship, as Russian Rear Adm. Vladimir Kastonov said more than once during a news conference aboard the ship at Pier 30-32 on Monday.

The ship's visit also commemorates a nearly forgotten bit of Russian-American history. Czar Alexander II sent a fleet to San Francisco and New York in 1863 during the American Civil War to show support for the union.

Thanks for comin' back an' checkin' up on us, Ivan!

'Varyag' is a traditional name in the history of the Russian and Soviet navies, including an aircraft carrier they sold to China.

Currently the ship is being examined and repaired by China's People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) after purchasing it at auction[5]. It was widely reported that the ship would become a casino in the Chinese SAR of Macau. [...]

Since the Varyag currently in SF is known as an 'aircraft carrier killer', I bet the Chinese 'repair' consists of trying to find homing devices in her hull. Heh.

Two cruisers in the Russian Navy and one in the Soviet Navy have been named Varyag after the Varangian people, the Viking ancestors of the Rus.

Very interesting article. Enjoy.

Note to U.S. flattop sailors: Be glad this thing never had to come after you.


On Wednesday, the Varyag's crew will participate in a cookout and sports competition with sailors from the U.S. Navy cruiser Bunker Hill, which is also in port.

Note to Bunker Hill sailors: If you hear the Russian squids say 'Na zdrovyeh', stand by for a ram. Heh.

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