Thursday, June 10, 2010

She's got the scientologist teabagger vote sewed up!

I live next door to Nevada, 12 miles from the state line and 12-miles-and-one-foot from the closest casino. Besides 24-hour saloons and legal bordellos that are the tax base of the cow counties, they have one of the wackiest politicians going in the form of Sharron Angle who won the Repug senatorial primary and will go up against Harry Reid in November.

From Dana Milbank via the EssEffZam:

According to Dana Milbank's column in the Washington Post and other news sources this morning, here are some of the wacky ideas Angle, a former substitute teacher for 25 years, is proposing:

* Bring more nuclear waste to Nevada.
* Deregulate Big Oil; BP spill was only "an accident."
* Abolish the Education Department, Energy Department, EPA, United Nations and most of the IRS.
* Eliminate Social Security -- possibly Medicare and unemployment insurance too.
* Outlaw alcohol. (See 'state with 24-hour saloons' - G)

Other odd and misinformed views:

* Abortion causes breast cancer.
* Prisoners should have massages and saunas (program created by Scientology).
* Drug sales supported the attack on 9/11.

During Angle's time in Nevada's state assembly, she voted "no" so frequently on matters of wide consensus that votes were often called as "41-to-Angle."

Angle was named "Nevada's worst legislator" several times by the Las Vegas Review-Journal. Another Republican contender, Sue Lowden, blasted Angle in this ad:

Even though about half of Nevadans view Reid unfavorably, it's hard to fathom a general electorate sending anyone as loopy as Angle to the U.S. Senate. She makes Reid look good indeed.

Whatever we think of Reid, he's better than this idiot. He's not only going to dodge the bullet, it has no primer or powder. I hope he knows how lucky he is to have Ms. Angle as his opponent. Nevadans are politically crazy and you never know, but the smart money is on Reid.

Ms. Angle may be 'loopy', but in her defense I will say she doesn't appear to be mean-spirited and downright evil in her views like Bachmann and some others.

BTW, I got the Repug "my opponent is a flaming Librul godless commie fuck!" primary TV ads from two states. Lucky me.

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