Thursday, June 17, 2010

Substance ...

It was a relief to see Obama put the pressure on BP yesterday, especially after that limp speech Tuesday night. Michael looks at the details and notes Republicans showing their true colors once again:


As you might expect, though conservatives are not amused. Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, for example, is worried that the fund will slash BP's profits, which, presumably, are more important than the environment and economy of the region, not to mention the way of life of and very welfare of those who depend on the Gulf, a clean Gulf, for their livelihood, many of whom of Barbour's own constituents.

And Michele Bachmann, finding conspiracy at every turn, thinks that the escrow account amounts to a huge "redistribution-of-wealth fund," as if the massive wealth of BP and its larger shareholders matters more than those in the fishing and tourism industries, among others, who are suffering immensely as a result of the spill, and who may never recover.


The Republican Party: Wholly owned subsidiary of Corporatist America.

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