Friday, June 11, 2010

Successes and Failures in Arkansas

None of us are very happy about the Dem power structure biting the hand that feeds them by supporting the DINO Lincoln in Arkansa. Jane Hamsher has an excellent post on it.

The best way to impact an incumbent’s responsiveness to their constituents is in the form of primary challenges, whether they are successful or unsuccessful. Nothing else we have ever done has had as much impact. Coming from within their own party, they don’t let incumbents resort to tribalism in order to draw attention away from their record, which they are thus forced to defend. Primary challenges have never been wasted effort, so that is what we decided to pursue. We launched the 2010 Primary Project in October of 2008.

But because the parties are essentially incumbency protection rackets, when you’re supporting a primary challengers you’re running against the party and its ability to wield power. You’re also running against the corporate cash that probably triggered the accountability issue in the first place. Those factors present a very powerful set of obstacles.


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