Thursday, June 3, 2010

To rule Big Oil, we need Big Government

Donna Brazile

The far right likes to invoke Big Government like a bogeyman, a ghost to frighten the uninformed. But when they need Big Government they decry its absence. Bobby Jindal was trying to privatize much of Louisiana's government services. Had his approach been applied nationwide, the Federal government wouldn't have the resources he's demanding it use to save Louisiana's coast.

Can government get big and bloated? Of course. But there's a difference between starvation and a diet.

What the right fails to acknowledge is that big business, by its nature, is a bully. And you don't stop a bully by turning yourself into a 90 pound weakling. In fact, you may have to gain weight. Regardless, you have to exercise, changing pork to muscle.

It's going to take lots of muscle to truly hold BP responsible for the massive impact of its failure.

In short, make sure Big Government is big enough to keep Bigger Business in check. Or who knows what price we'll pay.

Just know that we have been and will continue to pay until government, that's you, Barry, grows the balls to leave BP and others face down bleeding in the dirt for transgressions against us. I mean that both figuratively and literally.

Note to President Obama: Make me'n Fixer Prez For A Day and we'll show you how to do it. Call it 'dungaree liberty on Big Biz assholes'. It won't be pretty, but it will be educational for you and Big Corpora and entertaining for us and our fellow Americans.

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