Friday, June 18, 2010

You knew ...

Some stupid shit was gonna happen.

As I warned you all, every 4 years I get insane over the World Cup. If you're a friend of mine on FB, you're experiencing it first-hand (Come on, be honest, how many of you have already blocked my "daily recaps"? Heh ...). Thing is, I might be nuts but some people are getting really fucked up over this:

JOHANNESBURG -- Police say a South African man who wanted to watch a World Cup match instead of a religious program was beaten to death by his family in the northeastern part of the country.

David Makoeya, a 61-year-old man from the small village of Makweya, Limpopo province, fought with his wife and two children for the remote control on Sunday because he wanted to watch Germany play Australia in the World Cup. The others, however, wanted to watch a gospel show.


Figures Jesus was involved somehow.

As I said on FB, the Americans, English, and Germans are playing today. My productivity at work is gonna be at an all time low. TGIF!

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