Monday, June 14, 2010

You might be a Republican IF.....

Loren Adams at TPJmagazine.

You might be a Republican IF…

You find nothing contradictory about your sign that reads "Hands Off My Medicare" next to a "Government Run Healthcare Makes Me Sick" sticker on the bumper of your gas guzzling Humvee,

As part of your boycott of all names French, you change the name of your favorite sex toy to "freedom tickler."

You think the 2000 election was fair & square when Bush stole the White House but the 2008 election was stolen by ACORN for Obama.

You feel your duty in the war on terror is to hunt down Mexicans crossing the border. (Then you hire undocumented workers to do your lawn and housework.)

You think WMD are still in Iraq but hidden by liberals to make Bush look bad.

You've ever blamed anything on "Activist Judges" while supporting the Supreme Court decision to reject corporate spending limits on political campaigns.

In honor of Terri Schiavo, you kept the deer you shot alive for twelve days.

You make your wife wear a "no spin" t-shirt during sex.

Redundant, but it's only once a year anyway. Most of Repug women I've seen ain't exactly 'spinners' but it'd be good for some laughs if they tried it. On somebody else. Heh. The skinny pinch-faced dry-twatted Repug women are all on TV.

There are so many of these to choose from I gave up. The whole deal is Below The Fold for easy reference.

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