Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Blood Raids In Iraq


MOSUL, Iraq — Members of Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia have been holding up blood banks and hospitals at gunpoint, stealing blood for their wounded fighters rather than risk having them arrested at medical facilities, according to Iraqi doctors, employees at health centers and the Sunni insurgents themselves.

The Iraqi security force members that guard medical facilities have often stood idly by as the armed robberies take place, according to workers. This has reinforced doubts about Iraq’s ability to take on even a diminished insurgency as the United States continues to reduce its troops in the country.

Yeah, we "won" in Iraq. Wrong again, McLame. I'm sure glad The Ghost & Mrs. Moron aren't President.

What is not clear, however, is whether the stolen blood would do an injured person any good. Imperfectly matched blood can prove fatal. “Even if you had the same blood type, you’d have to make a perfect match,” said Dr. Yaseen Ahmed Abbass, director of the Red Crescent Society in Iraq. “It is not an easy procedure.”

But some Iraqi doctors working in Sunni areas believe that Al Qaeda has its own specialists who perform blood transfusions and treat shrapnel and bullet wounds — and carry out more gruesome procedures as well.

Hey, I've got an idea - get a buncha diseased blood, mislabel it so it's even more of a game of roulette, and keep it right on top like keepin' "mugger money" in yer jockstrap, and let 'em have all they want.

Go read the rest. The minute we're outta that shithole it's going to be worse than it's ever been since Saddam. We coulda saved ourselves a lot of trouble but for the neocon wet dream.

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