Sunday, July 25, 2010

RedState’s Erickson to GOP: ‘Stop lying’

Yeah, like that'll happen...

Think Progress, with video:

Yesterday, ThinkProgress caught up with RedState founder Erick Erickson and asked his thoughts on the “Party of No” moniker. Erickson took the GOP to task for clouding the issue. He advised them to “stop lying” about being the “Party of No” because “everyone knows you are”:

TP: They are saying, if you accuse them of being the party of no or not having ideas, they will say “oh no!”

Erickson: That’s such crap. Say you’re the “Party of No.” Of course you are. Everyone knows you are. Stop lying.

Bozo The Neoclown sums it up in 'comments':

pretty bad when red state starts attacking you…

Heh. Even the wingnuts don't like the Repugs. For all the wrong reasons, of course, but at least it divides them and that's good.

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