Monday, August 23, 2010

Heads up for Blogger users

I have no idea of the truth or facts of this and present it for what it's worth.

Warning to bloggers: Google’s new “Gestapo bot” shutting down Blogger sites

For years I have maintained several blogs on Blogger – three in fact – and all three were shut down last night by Blogger (Google) administration and my account was blocked.

Reason: Violation of Terms of Service.

One thing all three of my blogs had in common is that they were NOT AFFILIATED with Google’s AdSense (advertising) program. In fact, my blogs ran no advertising whatsoever. With specific regard to Adsense, my lack of participation meant that my blogs were generating no income for the powers-that-be. These blogs were “freeloaders” at the Blogger (Google) trough. Clearly they had to go.

I suggest Blogger users back up their material or move their blogs elsewhere – for peace of mind (at the very least).

There's a lot in between those quotes. If you have more information, please let us know.

Some comments here.

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