Monday, August 9, 2010

Heh ...

Way to go, Gord!

[Just a warning, almost all the links in this post are NSFW]

Almost 2 years ago, Gord alerted us to the fact that Hustler was making a porn parody flick about Sarah Palin.

Well, today as I was going through the site stats, I noticed our hits were out the roof. I figured we got a nod from Crooks and Liars, so I checked to see where folks came from, just so I could thank Mike Finnigan for including us in the "Round-Up" again.

Needless to say, I was quite surprised when I noticed most of the hits came from Google searches by a buncha Republican pervs (I would gather). They were all looking for Who's Nailin' Paylin, which was released today, and ended up at Gordon's post.

Heh ... Thanks, Larry!

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