Friday, August 20, 2010

Inaugural Homebrewed Music Video Blogging

Using the theory that the 'Friday Document Dump' is an ingenious invention to keep as many people as possible from seeing something, I present my first ever homebrewed music video.

Me 'n Mrs. G went for a nice 30-mile ride this past Monday, up to Donner Summit and back. I turned my camera on for the return trip and got 21:29 of video. You can go see the raw vids at my YouTube channel. There's even some of Mrs. G (in Part 3), whom I conned into taking the lead against her better judgment. You can even hear me doing it in my best Simon Legree twirling-my-pencil-moustache voice. She actually only did it because we were about to get run over. Heh.

If you go see those, turn your volume down. There's absolutely nothing wrong with my motorcycle, and I can barely hear the wind and mechanical noise and feel the vibration when I'm motoring along, but the little camera sure can. The music is a nice way to hide all that and let you have a nice visual to a pretty song.

There's a lot of good music on YouTube, but there's even more good music that ain't. I'm going to put up stuff I like over time. I finally figured out how to do it, i.e. read the directions and used my head a little to get the common point between where my music is and where my video editor can snag it.

This is one of my favorite songs on one of my favorite albums and I think the footage fits it pretty well. Sometimes I sing this to myself while I'm riding. So far I've managed to get my eyes back open in time...

I emailed Ms. McCaslin (Mr. Ringer is no longer with us) and asked her permission to use this and she sent me a very nice reply and said more or less to knock myself out, so here it is:

Note: there's a very tiny glitch at the end and it's too much trouble to get it out. Maybe someday...

"Strawberry Roan" by Jim Ringer and Mary McCaslin (site, wiki) from the LP/CD "The Bramble and the Rose". Song written by Bob Simpson. One of the best motorcycle songs ever.

Thank you Mary for your permission to use this.

Scene is eastbound from Donner Pass to Donner Lake.

If ya liked this one, there's more in the pipe. If ya didn't, yer in for it...

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