Friday, August 27, 2010

Saturday Homebrew Music Video Blogging

I'm so bored with the same old same old today that I jumped this one up the queue a day early just for something to do.

I lost track of this band (bio) after their first two CDs. I found 'em again thanks to the magic of the internets.

This song has everything - young love lost, lifelong obsession to beyond the grave, ridin' the rods, train whistles, but mostly it has the amazing pipes of Kim Fox and some great family harmony.

I gotta get me one'a them train whistles for my 'sickle. I could have a lotta fun with one of those on these mountain roads...

This is From the Fox Family 1995 CD "Follow My Lead". Composed and lead vocal by Kim Fox. This band has since reformed as '3 Fox Drive'. That's a lot easier to look up on YouTube than 'Fox Family' unless you like looking at families of foxes. I mean, they're cute and all, but most of 'em can't sing...

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