Saturday, August 28, 2010

Taking One For The Team

The Rude Pundit is couch-tweeting the Beckture ("I have a scheme!") from C-Span:

No, seriously, this is like the shittiest Amway convention ever. The Beckture is a failure.

I'm keeping The Rude One open and minimized and referring to it every few minutes. It's a hoot. Don't miss it.


Pensito Review

Why Is Glenn Beck, Who Did Drugs Instead of Serving in the Military, Smearing Purple Hearts to Promote His Million Moron March?

Actually, Beck has invented a new “badge of merit” (not, mind you, a merit badge) to replace the Purple Heart which he dislikes, he says, because it rewards people for being victims, which is Beck’s Orwellian newspeak for being wounded in the line of duty.

However, what is perhaps most insulting is the idea that a Beck’s Badge of Merit will somehow mean more than a “progressive” Purple Heart because it rewards “honor and integrity.” For many, the mere fact that someone is willing to sacrifice their life and limb for country, and is in fact wounded, symbolizes their “honor and integrity.”

The Purple Heart is awarded to those who shed blood due to enemy action, whether a nick from a stone chip thrown up by an RPG or blown to bits. It's not an award anybody wants.

Like all of us who didn’t serve in the military, Glenn Beck should show a little respect for the service, especially those who have been wounded in the line of duty. He seems to think he’s attacking liberals in general and FDR specifically when he derides the Purple Heart by denigrating it as a reward for being a victim. That is really despicable — especially so in Beck’s case, because, instead of serving his country, Beck spent his teen and young-adult years laid up smoking pot and doing coke.That is really despicable — especially so in Beck’s case, because, instead of serving his country, Beck spent his teen and young-adult years laid up smoking pot and doing coke.

A lot of soldiers would have rather done that than go to war, but they did their duty as they saw it, the necessity or futility or criminality of the particular war notwithstanding.

Beck has every right to say the despicable things he says, largely due to the efforts of servicemen who defended his right to say them, but he's gone way too far on this one. He has no standing whatsoever to disparage anyone's service. Some old Veteran needs to cold-cock the sonofabitch.

Imagine if a liberal commentator smeared the meaning of the Purple Heart — the media would be all over it, and the right wing would be calling for the commentator’s treasonous head.

But when Beck does it, no one notices. Once again: I.O.I.Y.A.R.

El Rude-o Update:

Post-Beckture: I need a 15 martini lunch, three hookers of various genders, and a donkey.

Dude, go straight to the donkey. Don't waste yer money on the hookers. After 15 martinis you'll never notice the difference...

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