Tuesday, August 10, 2010

WH: Liberals need to be drug-tested

Forgot who put you where you are and gave Dems the House and Senate, didja?

Raw Story

In an interview with Sam Youngman of The Hill published Tuesday morning, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs unleashed a series of forceful attacks on some unnamed progressive critics of President Barack Obama.

"I hear these people saying he’s like George Bush. Those people ought to be drug tested," Gibbs said. "I mean, it’s crazy."

Drug test that flaming librul Richard Armitage while you're at it. On Charlie Rose last night he said Obama is a 'kinder, gentler Bush' on foreign policy. I'm sure we can all think of other areas as well.

The tone of Gibbs’ interview signals brewing frustration in the White House over parts of its base as midterm elections approach. It might hearken back to when White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel privately and pointedly described some liberals as "fucking retarded."

"I understand why the [White House] is frustrated by liberal dissatisfaction, but not why they complain about it in interviews," said Ezra Klein of the Washington Post in response.

"Maybe one day Robert Gibbs can gear himself up to express some anger at the Right, too," tweeted Salon's Glenn Greenwald, one of the president's most consistent critics from the left.

Maybe Gibbs'll have time after the upcoming election when the wingnuts turn out in droves and a lotta lefties don't and there's nothing getting done.

In the meantime, I like you OK, Gibbs, but just this once go fuck yourself until you get your mouth and attitude toward your base under control.

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