Wednesday, September 29, 2010

And what's wrong with curmudgeonry, youngster?

If it's Wednesday, it must be Morford, who's going off on his thoughts about not liking the latest hit band even though he's 'supposed' to.

This is the thing: You gotta double check, as you age, as you move through, as you settle into certain habits and rhythms, that you're not blocking out fresh, invigorating information simply because it doesn't fit with what you're comfortable with, what you're used to, the way you think it's supposed to be.

I find it sort of mandatory, in other words, to defy the onset of the ugly conservative mindset, increasingly inflexible and limited, unable or unwilling to be pleasantly surprised, revitalized, renovated. This way pain lies. This way intolerance lies. This way curmudgeonry and angst, mistrust and Fox News. I have no need to fit in with the skateboard crowd. I have plenty desire to avoid turning myopic and bitter.

I listened to that band on TV for about ten seconds. I agree with Morford on that, but the 'onset of the ugly conservative mindset' etc. is not a given or a danger unless your brain is stuck in the past to begin with.

Change is constant and not all of it is good. Or bad. As long as you seek the truth for yourself and keep learning you'll be all right.

Speaking just for myself, a certain brand of benign curmudgeonry is my goal at this stage of life, and mistrust is a simple defensive tool against people telling me what to think against my own best interests. I'll make my own damn mistakes, not theirs, thank you.

Now, put back the divots and git yer skateboard off my lawn, kid.

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