Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Everything's broken ...

Gord and I have been saying this for more than 6 years. The pace of deployments, the rush to expand the military by taking anybody who could spell their own name, and the lack of a real mission or leadership would only serve to break our army. Seems the Army realizes it too:


The increase in drug abuse and bad behavior came at the same time that the Army enlisted thousands of recruits who in previous years would have been ruled ineligible because of drug or other criminal convictions. According to the report, nearly 20 percent of the soldiers who've enlisted in the Army since 2004 — perhaps as many as 10,000 — would "not have been eligible for entry into the Army before."

"I think we've got to understand that the force we have today is different from the force we had 10 years ago," said Gen. Peter W. Chiarelli, the vice chief of staff of the Army, who oversaw the study and is heading up the Army's response to it. "We've got kids that are going to have some behavioral health issues. The real hard part for us is to determine, 'OK, I am willing to help this kid with behavioral health issues, but how long can I help him? How long can I do that and make sure I have a force capable of doing whatever the nation asks it to do?' "


Sometimes it sucks to be right.

Great thanks to our pal Comrade Misfit for the link.

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