Thursday, September 16, 2010

Headin' out

Me 'n Mrs. G are heading out to the coast for a few days. Her High School class is having a "We're turning 65 party! Whee(ze)!". I won't turn 65 'til next Sunday, so I'm just going along as a stretcher bearer.

I'll leave you with a "how the fuck did we get into this mess?" piece by Robert Parry:

But how did the United States of America get here? How could the most powerful nation on earth with a sophisticated media that is constitutionally protected from government censorship have stumbled into today’s dreary place filled with such up-is-down commentary?

However, America’s decoupling from reality – and its disappearance into the swamp of unreality – began in earnest with the rise of actor and ad pitchman Ronald Reagan, who crafted a host of get-something-for-nothing policies that appealed to a nation that was struggling to adjust to a more complex world.

Yeah, America's a lot better at "Me first! Gimme! Gimmee! Now! Now!" than it is at 'complex'.

As a reward for wading through that and in case you missed it, here's a panel discussion in the wake of the teabagger primary victories that attempts to answer the question "How are the Democrats going to fuck this up?". Caution: John Oliver's final comment made me fall off the couch!

Also, Jon Stewart answers O'Donnell's question about masturbation, "...then what am I there for?". Heh.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Tea Party Primaries - Beyond the Palin
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

See yas.

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