Thursday, September 2, 2010

In Case You Missed It

Raw Story

Countdown: Olbermann, Scahill thank Bush for the ‘success’ of the Iraq war

Yes, thanks a great steaming pile, Georgie. You want 'credit' for the worst foreign policy blunder in American history and its attendant war crimes? It's all yours. Asshole.

'They' say that it really isn't healthy to keep things bottled up inside. On Wed. evening's MSNBC's Countdown with Keith Olbermann, the liberal host and his guest, The Nation's Jeremy Scahill went the healthy route and let it rip.

"These people have a Ph.D in lying and a master's degree in manipulating intelligence," Scahill says of the neocons, "And it is, it's really sobering to see this kind of brash historical revisionism happening in real time. The idea that these people want to post some kind of false flag of victory on the corpses of all who have died in Iraq because of their decisions. These people destabilized Iraq, they destabilized the Middle East, with their neo-con vision of redrawing maps, and they didn't even succeed in their own stated mission. This is a special kind of pathological sickness that these individuals are plagued with."

Thanks to PoliticsNewsNews.

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