Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Madder'n a carp, hopefully

Will Durst rants:

Tea Party Lament: Knowing That I'm Confused About Why I'm Mad Just Makes Me Madder!

I’m mad at everything and everybody, but especially at career politicians. Not to mention career pediatricians. From now on, one of my kids gets sick, I’m taking them to see some incensed old coot straight off the street carrying a misspelled sign. Experience is way overrated. Why can’t US Senator be an entry- level position?

I’m mad about paying taxes. Because I don’t like paying taxes. I’m tired of my hard earned money wasted on silly things like roads and air traffic controllers and paramedics and pipeline inspectors. And flossing. I hate that too. Who needs teeth? Members of the lamestream media elite, that’s who. So they can lie through them. Those guys I’m mad at because they keep running stories about me being mad.

And on and on...

There's a difference between angry and mad. Durst is using the correct word for the teabaggers.

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