Saturday, September 25, 2010

Mocking them ...

Several of the weasels running this country felt they were being mocked by Stephen Colbert at his testimony. Know what? They're right. And they should be mocked continuously until they straighten up and fly right.

This is another edition of What Digby Said:

Oh dear. It appears that Stephen Colbert offended the delicate sensibilities of the Beltway Quilting Bee and Ladies Pearl Clutching Society:



Via Res Ipsa, more 'Contempt of Colbert':


But Steve King, who, as we mentioned earlier, had never heard of Colbert until a couple of days ago and has been studying his old tapes ever since to develop an attack strategy, goes even further, calling Colbert a liar who "staged" his 10-hour workday with migrant laborers, which he can prove based on the way a corn truck was driving.


King actually broached this subject of deception while questioning Colbert, who responded, beautifully, "I was packing corn. I was a corn packer and I know that term is offensive to some people, for corn packing is a derogatory term for a Gay Iowan."


"Corn packer", heh ... Gotta try that one out on my niece, who's doing her Masters program at the University of Iowa.

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