Tuesday, September 21, 2010

NY nutz ...

I know there are idiots in every bunch and it seems we have our share. The article starts with the line:

I wish that this were something out of the Onion, I really do.


Seems we have another nutjob (aside from the one running for governor) looking to 'represent' us:


That might sound bad, sure, but are we sure they're not exaggerating?

They're not. In fact, if the character of Russell's essay is representative, they're understating the situation. It lauds efforts of "scientists" like Arthur Jensen and others who have spent years trying to "prove" that whites are genetically more intelligent than black people. It describes an "optimal society" by quoting T. S. Eliot: "reasons of race and culture combine to make any large number of free-thinking Jews undesirable." It was so bad that it was republished with pride on the website of no less than David Duke, former Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.


I knew we had a bedbug problem in NYC but compared to all the crazy cockroaches who are coming out of the woodwork, the bedbugs are less intrusive. They just wanna find something to eat. The nutjobs want to tell you what you can do there and what you can't.

Thanks to Mr. Philadelphia for the link.

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