Monday, September 13, 2010

Palin-Beck 9/11 DeathFest Crowd Haunted By Weird Protesters

Wonkette, with Pictures You Should See.

But the average anti-Palin/Beck protester was 50 years younger than the average Palin/Beck supporter, so that’s something.

Our correspondent has punctured the defenses and is now inside the stadium:

In the 10 minutes it took for me to go to my car and send the last batch of photos, Beck/Palin (peace be upon them) gave up on their TSA plan and only screened Suspect People. Only white people=no suspects. The hall is full. The stage is nearly barren of decorations, only two old-timey blackboards and an A’merkin flag can be seen.

…. Long line for booze: I’m beginning to understand how Beck’s psycho ramblings take root in the teabag mind.

It's amazing what these nutbags will pay $200 for, especially with nine days to go before SSI payday...

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