Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Repubwiccans Under A Spell

Yes, I know witchcraft and satanicanism have nothing to do with one another, but I love the word 'Repubwiccan'. Hell, that's the way Elmer Fudd's been saying it for years.

Richard Cohen in WaPo on how [fill in your own misnomer for the dark arts here] esplains Repug behavior.

O'Donnell is where the GOP has been heading for some time. The party's leaders have steadfastly refused to take a stand against any idiocy, even suggesting they agree that Obama might not be a Christian. Their intellectuals have supported and advanced the know-nothingness of Sarah Palin. Nothing to them is beyond the pale. This party is not fit to govern. It would support the Joker but not Batman, who hangs too much with Robin.

So now it has a candidate in Delaware who truly is a career politician. She seems to have no means of support except campaign funds. She supposedly lives in her headquarters, although this is somewhat in dispute. Whatever the case, she has no job and no views worth a moment's consideration. (She even appalls Karl Rove.) She's not likely to win, but the way things are going this year, she just might. People are angry. People are mad. The night is dark.

Witch way out of here?


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