Friday, September 24, 2010

Susie takes it outta our ear and sticks it in Axelrod's

The Plum Line

Top Obama adviser David Axelrod got an earful of the liberal blogosphere's anger at the White House moments ago, when a blogger on a conference call directly called out Axelrod over White House criticism of the left, accusing the administration of "hippie punching."

"We're the girl you'll take under the bleachers but you won't be seen with in the light of day," (my em) the blogger, Susan Madrak of Crooks and Liars, pointedly told Axelrod on the call, which was organzied for liberal bloggers and progressive media.

And then you'll tell all your buddies, "I got what I wanted off that pig. She wanted it too! Took it in the ass and screamed for more! To hell with her. Until we need her at election time, that is."

Thanks, Susie, for giving him an earful. The White House has been stickin' it in our ear for two years. They'll keep doing it if we let 'em.

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