Thursday, September 23, 2010

Texas Ed-yoo-cay-shun-al TV

Following up on Fixer's post just below, this might help esplain. As near as I can tell, this historical documentary is required viewing in Texas. They're still smarting from this and the jackrabbits are still there. Since the Texans were the "muslims" in this incident, they know that the difference between a "Crusader" and an "invader" depends on which side you're on, thus the entirely rational (in Texas) fear of the "pro-muslim" bias of textbooks:

Jay Ward's Crusader Rabbit - Crusade 1 / Episode 1.

Episode is entitled, I swear to God, "Crusader vs. the State of Texas". 1st of 15 chapters in Crusade 1. For at least a few of the other 14, start here. Good luck.

Thanks to candolex.

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