Monday, September 27, 2010

"What this lying son of a bitch is really saying is..."

From Politics Plus:

Inserted from Think Progress

From a 'comment' I presume. I didn't read all 296 of 'em.

People, what Agent Orange is telling us is that we all need to be good little sheeple and trust Big Brother Boner to take care of us, because we’re not smart enough to handle the solutions. Well I know plenty about Republican solutions. I went through eight years of Republican solutions and I’m still trying to find O rings on sale to repair the damage that Republicans’ tender mercies did to my nether orifice.

What this lying son of a bitch is really saying is that he lacks the courage to tell us what Republican plans are. He does not want to talk about tax cuts for the rich, deregulation for criminal corporations, dismantling the safety net for which we have all paid with our taxes and social security contributions, and cutting back services, except for the rich. America opposes his real plan and rightly so. With all their faults, most Democrats try to represent everyone. Republicans govern exclusively for the benefit of criminal corporations and the richest 1%. Your vote matters!

Man, that's the whole deal in a nutshell!

Lemme know if ya find them O-rings. I'm using a wheel bearing oil seal from a four-wheel-drive Dodge truck and the metal part chafes...

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