Wednesday, October 13, 2010

But it's okay ...

If you're a Republican:


So, let's be clear about this: Bashing Obama for knowing Illinois politicians or where he went to Church in Chicago or where he was born or being a community organizer, that's OK.

Asking Joe Miller why he is against government handouts when he colluded with is wife so she could file for unemployment assistance or why he takes the state's oil money (him, wife, 8 kids, means they collect $12,810) or why he has six figures of credit card debt or why he availed himself of government-backed student loans, that's not OK.




Schedule's all screwed up today. The Mrs. is taking me to work, dropping off the older dog at the vet for a spay procedure. The little one needs shots so she's coming along too. Chooch (the older one) wasn't allowed to eat since last night so we decided the Mrs, would feed the little one when they got back. Then she has to come pick me up to get the older dog after she comes out of anesthesia. Needless to say, neither of the dogs are happy right now. Heh ...

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