Monday, October 4, 2010

Get Out And Get Under

I just love this part of the LATimes' recommendation of Moonbeam as our next governor:

But Brown offers a different kind of leadership, and although it might not be our first choice, it will do. Rather than the dynamic leader of new ideas from the 1970s, Brown comes to us now as a sort of grizzled mechanic of the state's failing machinery. He knows which parts can hold out a few more weeks, which rattles can be ignored and how much tension the timing belt can handle before it fails.

He oughta have a bumper sticker: "GRIZZLED OLD MECHANICS CAN FIX YER SHIT!"

Of course I know nothing about grizzled old mechanics, but I'm a hopeless romantic...

Thanks to Aaron1912, UK.

Also see recommendation of Brown by the EssEffChron and the SacBee.

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