Thursday, October 14, 2010

I hope you sell a lot of 'em, General

Raw Story

Ex-top soldier: Iraq war ‘fiasco’ due to Rumsfeld’s ‘lies’

The US had no reason to invade Iraq in 2003, and only did so because of "a series of lies" told to the American people by the Bush administration, says Gen. Hugh Shelton, who served for four years as the US's top military officer.

"President Bush and his team got us enmeshed in Iraq based on extraordinarily poor intelligence and a series of lies purporting that we had to protect Americans from Saddam's evil empire because it posed such a threat to our national security," Shelton writes in his memoir.

"Spinning the possible possession of WMDs as a threat to the United States in the way they did is, in my opinion, tantamount to intentionally deceiving the American people," Shelton writes.

Like duh. Gee, General, we knew all this years ago. I mean, thanks, but why wait 'til now?

Shelton's book goes on sale on Friday.


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