Thursday, October 7, 2010

The right is nothing if not filled with liars and hypocrites*

Kinda sorta maybe follow up on the boohooin' of rich people in Fixer's post, here's one of the worst hypocrite sonsabitches in the country.

Article in The Nation.

Note to Dobbsy: Dude, one less $million$ nag and you coulda hired American girls to take care of them. A lot of them love horses and woulda worked cheap. Oh, I forgot, they speak English and mighta bitched to their parents about being "imprisoned in a palace", maybe even (gasp!) talked back since they didn't have deportation hanging over them.

You fucking hypocritical lyin' bastard. I'm so glad it made you rich I could puke.

Illegal or not, I have tremendous respect for the work these immigrants are willing to do to try to get ahead given the often less-than-ideal conditions they are willing to do them under. I do my own yard work. Two or three hours at a time kicks my ass, and I see Mexicans (I presume. Latinos come from all over thataway [points vaguely towards Tierra del Fuego].) doing the same thing ten hours at a stretch and walk away. I wouldn't be able to.

Did I mention that I do my own yard work because I can't find a Meskin willing to work as cheap as I will?

Thanks to TheNationInstitute.

*From our own left sidebar.

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